32803 Clear the computer's catalog of all entries\nClear catalog
32811 List View\nList View
57344 browse1
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new object\nCreate a new object
57601 Open folder\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 Transaction Server Explorer
61205 Components
61206 Name
61207 Activated
61208 Unbound
61210 waiting for first status update...
61211 last status update
61212 connecting to Venom server...
61213 Remove Component
61214 Are you sure you want to delete this component?
61215 starting server...
61216 stopping server.....
61217 CLSID
61218 Server
61219 Unknown
61220 Objects
61221 Package
61222 Use MTX
61223 Prog ID
61226 Package ID
61227 Description
61228 Activation
61229 Auditing
61230 Security
61231 Authentication
61232 Role ID
61237 Default
61238 None
61239 Connect
61240 Packet
61241 Call
61242 Packet Integrity
61243 Packet Privacy
61244 Enabled
61245 Disabled
61246 ( starting...)
61247 ( stopping...)
61248 My Computer
61249 N/A
61250 Role
61251 Install
61252 Select files to install
61253 All files (*.*)|*.*|DLLs (*.DLL)|*.DLL|Type libraries (*.TLB)| *.TLB||
61254 File
61255 Component
61256 Contents
61257 Interfaces
61258 Proxy
61259 Properties
61260 MTX
61261 COM
61262 not found
61263 found
61264 unknown
61265 non-COM DLL
61266 components
61267 typeLib
61268 proxy/stub
61271 Component Install
61272 InterfaceID
61273 Static QI
61274 Lazy
61275 Deferred create
61276 Instance streams
61277 Internet
61278 In process
61279 Local
61280 Remote
61281 Threading
61282 Transaction
61283 Required
61284 Requires new
61285 Not supported
61286 Supported
61287 Add Users and Groups to Role
61288 Catalog Update Error
61289 Y
61290 N
61291 In Call
61293 Component Install
61294 Applying changes...
61295 Refreshing...
61296 Installing components...
61297 Opening %s...
61299 Single
61300 Apartment
61301 Both
61302 Free
61306 Type
61310 Catalog Error
61311 You do not have permission to perform the requested action. If security is enabled on the System package of the target computer make sure you are included in the appropriate roles.
61312 An error occurred accessing components in the System package on the remote computer '%1'. Error code was %2. Make sure that:\n\nMicrosoft Transaction Server is installed correctly.\nThe computer name is correct.\nIf you have set a specific identity for the system package, check that the user account and password are correct.
61313 Accessing properties...
61314 Server Group
61315 Initialization Error
61316 Unable to run the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer because at least one of its components%1 is not installed properly. Re-install Microsoft Transaction Server.
61317 DTC Error
61318 Cannot connect to MS DTC on the target computer.
61319 Cannot open this folder because connection to the MSDTC service on '%1' failed. Make sure that:\n\nThe computer is running.\nMicrosoft Transaction Server is installed correctly.\nYou have permissions to administer the computer.\nThe computer name is correct.
61320 Connecting to the MSDTC service on '%1'. This icon will be enabled when the connection has been established.
61321 Open Folder
61322 DLL
61323 Started
61324 Stopped
61325 Starting
61326 Stopping
61327 Connecting
61328 Connection failed
61329 DTC
61330 %s object(s)
61331 Install
61332 One or more files do not contain components or type libraries. These files cannot be installed.
61333 Proxy CLSID
61334 TypeLib ID
61335 TypeLib Version
61336 Proxy DLL
61337 Proxy Threading
61338 TypeLib File
61339 TypeLib Flags
61340 TypeLib Help
61342 Remote Computer
61343 Choose the components you want to configure for remote access.
61344 Choose a computer from the drop-down list.
61345 Choose a package.
61346 New Package
61347 You cannot use the name '%1' because it is already in use. Please choose another name.
61348 There are no remote computers in your Computers folder. Add one and try again.
61349 Add Remote Components
61351 DLL
61353 Uninstall Component
61354 Clearing catalog...
61356 Reason
61357 Name
61358 The object has already been deleted.
61359 Some information is missing or damaged.
61360 The component is already registered.
61361 Some components could not be installed due to the following errors:
61362 Some changes could not be applied due to the following errors:
61363 Some objects could not be deleted due to the following errors:
61364 Some remote components could not be added due to the following errors:
61365 Some object properties could not be read due to the following errors:
61366 The component is already configured on the target computer.\n\nThe component is either already configured as a remote component, installed in a package, or registered as a COM server. If the component is already configured as a remote component or installed in a package, you must delete the component. If the component is registered as a COM server, you must unregister the component.\n\n You can unregister a COM component using RegSvr32.exe with the /u command line switch.
61367 The component is already configured on the requested computer.\n\nThe component is either installed in a package or configured as a remote component. Before re-installing, you must delete the existing component.
61368 Import info\nand even more info
61369 Install info
61370 More import info
61371 Some of the objects properties were missing or damaged.\n\nThis can occur if the registry entries associated with the item are changed by some other program.\n\nDamaged items must be deleted and re-created.
61372 The item or one of its parent items in the hierarchy has already been deleted.
61373 Explanation
61374 You entered an invalid file name or path or selected too many files at once. There is a limit of 256 characters for the combined length of all file names selected.
61375 An unknown error occurred while adding files. Please try to add the files again.
61376 Add Computer
61377 The computer name cannot contain the characters \ or /
61378 The %1 string you entered is too long. The maximum length is 500 characters.
61379 name
61380 The string you entered is too long. The maximum length is 63 characters.
61381 New Role
61382 The %1 property cannot contain any of the following characters \ / ~ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) | } { ] [ ' " > < ? : ; .
61383 One or more files could not be downloaded.
61384 The proxy DLL or type library could not be copied to the client computer.\n\nMake sure that the component is installed correctly on the server computer and that Microsoft Transaction Server is installed correctly on the client computer.
61385 You cannot add computer '%1' because it already exists in your Computers folder.
61388 Interface information is not available.
61389 You cannot configure this remote component because its interface information is not available. \n\nInterface information is available only for components that have been installed and is not available for imported components. Make sure that the component is installed on the remote computer.
61390 Export Package to File
61391 All files (*.*)|*.*|Package Files (*.PAK)|*.PAK|
61392 Install Package
61393 Export Package
61394 An error occurred installing the package. Error code was %1.
61395 An error occurred exporting the package. Error code was %1.
61396 The package was successfully exported.
61397 Exporting package...
61398 Installing package(s)...
61399 Package File
61400 Package Name
61401 Install Directory
61402 One or more packages could not be created because they already exist.
61403 The package file cannot be read.
61404 The package file cannot be read. Either the file does not exist, the file contains invalid data or a read error occurred accessing the file.
61405 The package is already installed.
61406 A package with the same package ID is already installed. Make sure you have not already installed this package file.
61409 The installation path is invalid.
61410 The installation path does not exists and cannot be created. Check the path syntax.
61411 Unable to copy one or more files.
61412 An error occurred copying files to the destination directory. Some files may be missing from the source directory or you may not have access to the install directory.
61413 Errors occurred while installing the following packages:
61414 One or more components could not be installed.
61416 The package could not be installed because installation of the following components failed:
61417 Unable to write to the package file. Either the path cannot be accessed or an existing file cannot be overwritten. Make sure you entered the full path for the package definition file. The package was not exported.
61418 Unable to copy component files to the package definition file directory. An error occurred writing to the directory or existing files could not be overwritten. The package was not exported.
61419 One or more objects in the package are damaged. The package was not exported. Open all components, interfaces, roles and role membership lists in the package to verify the integrity of the package objects.
61420 Overwrite File
61422 Install from Package File
61423 COM DLL
61424 One or more files are COM DLLs but do not contain any components. These files could be proxy/stub DLLs or component DLLs with no corresponding type information. These files will be self-registered if you proceed. If these files are not proxy/stub DLLs you should remove them from the list. Do you want to proceed and install these files?
61425 Edit Property
61426 A remote computer name is required when "In a remote server process on the computer:" is checked.
61427 The shutdown delay must be a number between 0 and 1440.
61428 Items Deleted
61429 This window is displaying information that has been deleted. The display will be updated to reflect these changes.
61431 One or more DLLs could not be loaded. Check to make sure all required application runtime files and other dependent DLLs are available in the component DLL's directory or the system path.
61432 One or more files were not found on computer '%1'. When installing components on a remote computer you must enter file names that the remote computer can access. You can enter a UNC name or a drive:path file name that exits on the remote computer.
61433 A component in the same DLL is registered as remote.
61434 This component could not be installed because another component in the same DLL is already registered as remote. Delete those remote components and try installing the component again.
61435 One or more user accounts or groups could not be added to roles because they do not exist. The package was installed.
61436 One or more users could not be added to roles.
61437 You must enter a user account.
61438 Password and confirm password do not match.
61439 Unable to set required authentication level for update request. The request cannot be completed.
61442 Set Package Identity
61443 The timeout value must be between 1 and 3600.
61444 The default package install directory setting in the system registry is damaged. Cannot install this package.
61445 The user account is invalid. If you entered a domain account, make sure the name is prefixed with the domain name.
61446 The component CLSID is not registered.
61447 The component CLSID is not registered. The component may have been unregistered outside of Microsoft Transaction Server or the component registration information may be invalid. Make sure the component's self-registration code is correct and re-install the component
61448 The component's progID information is invalid.
61449 The component's progID information is invalid. The component's progID information does not match the component's CLSID information. The progID or CLSID information may have been incorrectly updated outside of Microsoft Transaction Server. Make sure that the component's self-registration code is correct and re-install the component.
61450 Transaction statistics for '%1' are already displayed in another window. You can only open one transactions statistics window for a given server.
61451 The transaction list for '%1' is already displayed in another window. You can only open one transaction list window for a given server.
61452 Trace messages for '%1' are already displayed in another window. You can only open one trace messages window for a given server.
61453 You entered your local computer name. Your local computer is already in the Computers folder under the name "My Computer".
61454 The component information is out of date.
61455 The component information in the package file is out of date. A component CLSID or IID has been re-generated since the package was exported. You must re-export the package.
61456 Account
61457 Timeout
61458 Shutdown
61459 Run Always
61460 An error occurred accessing components in the System package on this computer. Error code was %1. Make sure that:\n\nMicrosoft Transaction Server is installed correctly.\nIf you have set a specific identity for the system package, check that the user account and password are correct, and user is a member of the local NT Administrators group.
61461 Interface information is either missing or changed.
61462 Interface information is either missing or changed. If the component was imported, no interface information is available. If the component was installed, the interface information has been regenerated since the component was installed. Delete the component from the package and re-install it.
61463 One or more files contained type libraries that could not be read.
61464 Shortcut Menu
61465 There are no commands that apply to all selected items.
61466 Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
61467 Are you sure you want to delete these %1 items?
61468 Confirm Item Delete
61469 Confirm Multiple Item Delete
61470 No visible file share point available on server.
61471 No visible file share point is available on the server to copy component files. The user account set for the System package on the client computer must have read access to a share point on the server. A visible share point must be available to access the proxy/stub DLL and type library for each component. You can use the MTX Explorer to check which proxy/stub DLLs and type libraries are registered for the interfaces implemented by the components. Note that if you implement MTS interfaces like IObjectControl, you will also need access to the type library describing the MTS interface (MTXAS.DLL in this case).
61472 Close Window
61473 You have a request in progress in this window. Are you sure you want to close this window before the request has completed?
61474 The component is registered on the server using a mapped network drive or a UNC name. The corresponding network share is not accessible by the System package on the client computer. The user account set for the System package on the client computer requires read access to this network share to access the component proxy/stub DLL and type library.
61475 Network share used by server is not accessible.
61476 You entered a local file name for use on the remote computer '%1'. The drive and path will be interpreted as a file name on the remote computer. Are you sure you want to install this file?
61477 One or more files were not found.
61478 The component DLL could not be loaded.
61479 The component DLL could not be loaded. Make sure that all required application runtime files or other dependent DLLs are available in the DLL's directory or the system path.
61480 The DLL's self-registration routine failed.
61481 The component DLL's self-registration routine failed. The DllRegisterServer function returned a failure code or threw an exception.
61482 One or more DLLs appear to be corrupt. Either a DLL threw an exception during install processing or the DLL and its embedded type library are out of sync. Ensure that the correct versions of all application runtime files or other dependent DLLs are available in the component DLL's directory or the system path.
61483 Export Package
61484 The package file name you entered will be interpreted as a local file name on the remote computer '%1'. The remote computer must have access to the file. Are you sure you want to export to this file?
61485 Install Package
61486 You entered one or more local file names for use by the remote computer '%1'. These file name will be interpreted as local files on the remote computer. Add these files?
61487 The install directory is a local path name that will be used by the remote computer '%1'. The path will be interpreted as a local path on the remote computer. Continue with package install?
61488 You entered your local computer name as the remote server. Only remote computer names are allowed.
61489 Registered type library information is invalid.
61490 Registered type library information is invalid. The library GUID, version, locale, or platform information may be corrupt. Re-install the corresponding component(s).
61491 The "Package Directory" setting in your system registry is missing or corrupted. You should re-install Microsoft Transaction Server.
61492 The user account set for the System package does not have access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE key.
61493 The user account set for the System package does not have the required registry access permissions to complete the action. Ensure that the System package identity is set to an account that is a member of the local NT Administrators group.
61494 One or more CLSIDs were specified in a type library but were not recognized by any class factories in the DLLs. The component DLLs cannot be installed.
61495 Retired components are not supported.
61496 This component is being emulated by another component via a TreatAs or AutoTreatAs registry entry. Components that use these registry entries are not supported by Microsoft Transaction Server.
61497 This interface id is not registered.
61498 This interface id is not registered. It may have been changed or unregistered. Delete and then re-install the component.
61499 This interface has been forwarded.
61500 This interface has been forwarded to a newer component. Delete its component and install the newer version. The newly installed version will then correctly support both old and new clients.
61501 Registration of this component failed.
61502 Registration of this component failed. This component resides in a file which lacks self-registration code but for which an external entity for registering components from such files has been provided. This external entity failed to register the component. Check the event log for details.
61503 This file requires an external entity for registering its components. This entity is not present on this system.
61504 Registerable
61505 Running
61506 Property sheet for multiple computers is not supported.
61507 The system package identity has been reset to ""Interactive User"". Make sure all system server processes are shutdown and restart the MTS Explorer.
61508 An error occurred resetting the system package identity. You should re-install Microsoft Transaction Server.
61509 The previous error could have been caused because the system package identity is configured with an invalid user account or password. \n\nDo you want to try re-setting this identity back to the default (""Interactive User"")?
61510 Activation
61511 Same name cannot be set for multiple items.
61512 This package file version is not supported.
61513 This package file version is not supported. The catalog into which you are attempting to install this package file does not support this package file's version.
61514 The '%1' package was created by '%2'. Are you certain the changes you are about to make are supported by '%2' ?
61515 The packages were created by one or more external products. Are you certain the changes you are about to make are supported by these products?
61516 Move the component '%1' from package '%2' to the package:
61517 Move these %1 components to the package:
61518 Are you sure you want to move '%1' to package '%2'?\nIf there are any roles associated with this component and/or its interfaces, they will be lost.
61519 Are you sure you want to move these %1 components to package '%2'?\nIf there are any roles associated with these components and/or their interfaces, they will be lost.
61520 Confirm component(s) move
61521 The catalog version on the selected computer is incompatible with this application. The catalog is either newer or older than this application and a common version for communication does not exist.
61522 The component move was disallowed.
61523 The component move was disallowed. The source or destination package is either a system package or currently locked against changes.
61524 The destination package does not exist.
61525 The destination package does not exist. The component move failed because the destination package no longer exists.
61526 Changing the activation was disallowed.
61527 Changing the component's activation was disallowed. Component activation has been set at the package level for all components in this package. Changes to the activation of individual components are disallowed.
61528 No changes in this package are allowed.
61529 No changes in this package are allowed. This package is currently locked against changes.
61530 This package cannot be deleted.
61531 This package cannot be deleted. This package is currently locked against deleting.
61532 Delete
61533 One or more items selected cannot be deleted.
61534 %WINDIR%\Help\Mts\Winhelp\mts20.hlp
61535 Registering the type library failed.
61536 Registering the type library failed. The system was unable to register the type library.
61537 Are you sure you want to enable security on the system package? If you have not added your userid to the system package roles, you will not be able to access the Transaction Server Explorer in the future.
61538 Export the '%1' package:
61539 Service Control Error
61540 Unable to start the MSDTC service on the target computer. Error code was "%1".
61541 Unable to stop the MSDTC service on the target computer. Error code was "%1".
61542 Unable to stop the MSDTC service. There are other running services dependent on MSDTC.
61543 Library
61544 Server
61545 Disabled
61546 The user name entered is not a valid account.
61547 Since Package %1 is a library package, package security is not supported. Therefore, changes to security settings will not affect this package. In order to enable package security, you must change the package activation from "library" to "server". Are you sure you want to continue with these changes?\n
61548 Confirm Change
61549 Unsupported package activation setting.
61550 Unsupported package activation setting. The activation setting for this package is not supported. Either set the package activation property to a supported option or move its components to different packages with valid activations.
61551 The activation setting on this package is not supported. Only packages with valid activation settings can be exported. Either set the package activation property to a supported option or move its components to different packages with valid activations.
61552 The "Default" authentication level is no longer supported. Change the authentication level to "Packet".
61553 Enabled security and no authentication is an invalid combination. Change the authentication level from "None" to "Packet".
61554 Property Initialization
61555 Interface proxy-stub is incorrectly built.
61556 Interface proxy-stub dll is incorrectly built. All custom proxy-stub dlls must be built using the midl -Oicf flags and linked with mtxih.lib. If this error is regarding an interface for which you do not own the proxy-stub dll (typically a standard interface), that interface must be removed from your coclass definitions.
61557 One or more interface proxy-stub dll are incorrectly built. These proxy-stub dll must be built using the midl -Oicf flags and linked with mtxih.lib. Packages with invalid proxy-stub dlls cannot be exported.
61558 This change to the system package not allowed.
61559 This change to the system package is not allowed. The change would lock out all users from administrative privileges in MTS, rendering the installation useless and requiring a re-install.
61560 DTC Error
61561 DTC was installed by the SQL server. Please reinstalll MTS.
61562 Show Properties
61563 There are no properties for the selected item.
61564 One or more components are not registered.
61565 This package file refers to components that were originally imported into the package. These components must be manually registered before installing the package. One or more of these components is not registered on the target system.
61566 System package accounts must have administrative privileges on the machine you are administering. Please fix this (or choose Interactive User) before continuing.
61567 The System package on this computer is currently not available. Please retry the request.\n\nIf the problem persists, make sure that:\n\nMicrosoft Transaction Server is installed correctly.\nIf you have set a specific identity for the system package, check that the user account and password are correct, and the user is a member of the local NT Administrators group.
61568 The System package on the remote computer '%1' is currently not available. Please retry the request.\n\nIf the problem persists, make sure that:\n\nMicrosoft Transaction Server is installed correctly.\nThe computer name is correct.\nIf you have set a specific identity for the system package, check that the user account and password are correct, and the user is a member of the local NT Administrators group.